



      正如中国商务部贸易救济调查局局长王贺军指出的,“美国调查机关坚持认定进口光伏产品严重损害国内产业,不仅增加了光伏产品全球正常贸易的不确定性,也无助于美国内光伏产业健康、均衡发展。”事实上,此前欧盟对中国光伏产品发起贸易保护措施后的历史证明,滥用贸易保护措施不仅不能保护本国产业,反而会带来市场萎缩,需求下降,劳工失业等一系列严重后果。美国国际贸易委员会的举措不仅会在短期内引发新一轮的囤货和抢装需求,更有可能冲击美国长期的光伏装机量。事实上,美国调查机关的做法甚至遭到美国光伏产业界的反对。美国太阳能产业协会(SEIA)总裁兼首席执行官阿比盖尔•罗斯•霍珀(Abigail Ross Hopper)表示:“美国国际贸易委员会的决定令近9000家美国太阳能公司和26万名美国人感到失望。”

Solemn Statement
on ITC’s Ruling of Section 201 Investigations
by China Photovoltaic Industry Association
On September 22nd, 2017 (EDT), the United States International Trade Commission (USITC) made the injury ruling in the global safeguards investigations (Section 201 investigations), holding that the import of photovoltaic cells and modules had seriously harmed American photovoltaic industry, and decided to conduct follow-up studies of limit measures on imported products. China Photovoltaic Industry Association, on behalf of China photovoltaic industry, is resolutely opposed to this ruling.
As pointed out by Wang Hejun, director of the Trade Remedy Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce of China: "the fact that the U.S. investigative authority insists that the import of PV products has seriously harmed its domestic industry not only increases the uncertainties of the global trade of PV products, but also damages healthy and balanced development of the U.S. PV industry. " The history that the European Union adopted trade protection measures against Chinese PV products has proven that the abuse of trade protection measures cannot protect industries; instead, these measures would only cause grave consequences, such as a shrinking market, declining demands and unemployment. USITC's ruling will not only lead to a new round of hoarding demand and installation rush in the short term, but impact the US long-term PV installed capacity. In fact, the ruling is even opposed by the U.S. PV industry. Abigail Ross Hopper, President and Chief Executive Officer of Solar Energy Industry Association (SEIA), stated: “USITC's decision has disappointed nearly 9,000 companies and 260,000 workers in the U.S. solar industry.”
We have noticed that the results of this Section 201 investigations still need to be finalized by the U.S. President, deciding whether to implement trade remedies on the domestic industry, how and how long. Now, the Chinese and U.S. governments are working together to prepare for President Trump's state visit to China. At this key juncture, we hope that the U.S. government can make a wise decision that are in line with the industrial development and the interests of our two peoples. China Photovoltaic Industry Association will actively communicate with the stakeholders and devote unremitting efforts to promote the sustainable and healthy development of the global PV industry.
China Photovoltaic Industry Association
Sep. 24th, 2017

